2017 hasn’t been the best year so I’m really looking forward to the new year. One of the hardest things about moving overseas was not being able to take my dogs with me but my sister Michelle took great care of them. Two weeks ago, I took a last minute flight home in order to spend time with my precious little (big?) girl, Joey, as she had been diagnosed with large masses on her liver. Last year, I lost my Roofus also to masses throughout his body and I wasn’t able to fly home in time to be with him so I was determined to see Joey to be able to say goodbye.
Because I booked the flight last minute and on miles, it was a super long travel day. It took me about 20 hours to get back to LA and over 24 hours to get back to Madrid the following week. It was nice to get to see some of my family and friends (and some new babies!) also, but my main concern was spending as much time as I could with Joey. Joey and I spent our last 6 days together enjoying long walks, car rides, good food, naps, lots of photos, cuddles and kisses. On November 21st, we took Joey in to say our last goodbyes, where she went to heaven peacefully in my arms. Even though it was very hard, I know that she is in a much better place and no longer suffering. Lots of photos below of our last days together.

On one of the evenings, my friends came over with some Vietnamese food that I had been craving. I had forgotten my camera since I was in such a rush to fly back so I asked my friend Jason to help me take some photos of Joey. We didn’t have a lot of time and dogs don’t exactly always sit well for photos, but they came out so great and I am so happy that I have them to cherish forever. Thanks again Jason!

Roofus and Joey were both shelter dogs that we rescued. I got Roofus in 2005 when he was about 3 years old and Joey in 2006 when she was 2 months. Here’s a look back at them throughout the years.

Last year, when I lost Roofus, I had seen this comic from übertool pop up online and cried and cried and cried. I know that my pups loved our time together and I’m glad I got to provide them with a (hopefully) good life. They were two of the best dogs a girl could ask for. I miss them so much and can’t wait to be reunited with them again someday.